Friday 29 February 2008

diferently abled flu

been a bit slack this week, and come down with the above, which is even more pathetic than man flu, it seems. Meh! Just found out that the hit counter hasn't been running so please tell anyone who has visited to visit again!

Went for a check up at hospital Weds. I'd phoned on Monday and told them I'd definitley need to see Ade the plaster tech and expected to be x-rayed and see a consultant. I was keen to find out how my arm and collar bone were healing.

The ambulance picked me up and got me there in good time, I was seen immediatley, this was going well. It was the wound nurse, she was the only person I was seeing...


My leg had been dressed yesterday by the district nurse, with special anti horrible red tower dressing....

So I had to go down the stairs on my arse, get an expensive ambulance, to see no-one? Ah! At least I can get my leg plastered! Oh, no, they can't fit me in... but... I.. eh?...

It wasn't a complete waste of time. Sensing I may become disgruntled, the nurse had fetched the guy who did my arm and some other bits no doubt. I found out my collar bone shoud be fine and that my forearm wasn't worth x-raying yet. It was plated and showing no sign of mending afer 2 months but it is direct healing apparently, which is much slower... First I knew, so I could easily be in the wheelchair for another 3 months. I thought I might be on crutches in a couple of weeks. Arse.

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