Tuesday 30 September 2008

WAN members make sterling contributions to b-side

Well, most of the first Weymouth and Portland b-side (the seaside) arts festival have been packed away now, three installations in Brewers Quay will be around til tomorrow afternoon...

WAN was well represented within this diverse festival and included

Ed Jones' seahorse and snake grass installation at Tim's Cactus Kiosk

Lala Mulherns
"Some Seeker" piece in a b-shed on the cargo stage

Andy Sherlocks
"Protect and Survive" in the Nothe Fort Nuclear Bunker

Abigail Stradlings innovative jewellery, in alcoves in the Nother bunker

Sarah Butterworths "Tubular Shells,

Gary Jones' "COMSURV" web window and social bookmarking/networking, join us...

Tangwen Sandersons Seaside Nostalgia Parlour,

all in Brewers Quay

Estelle Kelleghers
work on show in the Mullberry Centre

Please commment if I've missed anyone and apologies in advance

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