Monday, 30 June 2008
Stopping smoking
Feeling a lot less stressed due to something that I can't mention.... so I felt able to stop.
Using Paul McKennas brain washing CD with it's breathing excercises, neurolinguistic conditioning and eyes closed processed, it really helps.
One of the things which is often suggested is to write down pros and cons of smoking and I thought I'd do that here quickly. Feel free to add any I miss as comments...
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Fwd: Spread the word-Sam swimming across Weymouth bay and back
Sam has asked me to help collect sponsorship for his ACROSS WEYMOUTH BAY SWIM... Mostly because he doesn't have many emails, mostly. Please see below and give generously to a very good cause, and forward this on to anyone else you think might be up for it
Thanks in advance
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Sam Childs* < <>>
Date: 2008/6/28
Subject: Spread the word
To: <>
I don't know anyone's email address off by heart, so am relying on your generous spirit to 'start the virus' and forward this to appropriate parties (i.e. people I know too).
I'm doing that Weymouth Bay swim on the tenth of August. It's a bloody mile, and I am not the thrusting young buck I used to me, so I may fail/drown/accidently float to France. Regardless of this, SPONSOR ME.
It all goes to the British Heart Foundation. Follow the link. <>
All donations are secure and sent electronically to British Heart Foundation. If you are a UK taxpayer, Justgiving will add an automatic 28% bonus to your donation at no cost to you.
Gary Jones <>
please sign this!
Friday, 27 June 2008
Apophenia- fuelling the unexplicabale?
Definitions of Apophenia on the Web:
The unexplicable...
Anyway, I thought I'd start sharing these links with you all, til she gets her own blog sorted....
These 1st two articles are about the reasent sightings in Wales, both interesting reads... & i've never seen an article like this in the Sun... (not that I read it) It actually mentions the soldiers names!!!
(video is pants, soldiers and girls vids identical)
This reported the same weekend, A pilot & a plane full of people see ufo... was actually reported but parts of report is being kept secret...
(pretty compelling but not necessarily aliens)
Experts call on Goverment to re open ufo investigations...
Former MOD chief, says we could be attacked by Aliens at any time
& just another little twist to think about... Are we all psychic...???
(wow! my mind is fried... crop circles later, must do physio....)
That is what Dr Roe is investigating. A parapsychologist based at the University of Northampton, he is examining whether it could indeed be possible to project your "mind's eye" to a distant location and observe what is going on - even if that place is hundreds of miles away...
While Dr Roe's work may appear controversial, he is starting to garner the support of eminent academics such as Professor Brian Josephson, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist from Cambridge University, who says: "The experiments have been designed to rule out luck and chance. I consider the evidence for remote viewing to be pretty clear-cut."
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Aim to stop smoking Monday now I'm not stressed which is going to be great and really improve my spirits again, cool.
things are looking up....
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
There's good stuff too though, I recovered from my torn cruciate ligaments about twice as fast as expected and am doing physio again. I've got an awesome trailer for my scooter, and a ramp today which means one person can get it up the steps easily. This is awesome because I've been feeling very trapped.
Anchor staying put at home were here Friday re: a permanent ramp and I had an OT visit yesterday. She agreed with me that stairs crutches are the most risky part of getting around for me and stairs the riskiest part of that and something to be avoided wherever possible
Right, off out on my scooter, looks like a nice day
Thursday, 19 June 2008
lloydstsb are really bugging me
Monday, 16 June 2008
Friday, 13 June 2008
Thursday, 12 June 2008
mingwa a bit run down
Friday, 6 June 2008
Thursday, 5 June 2008
LEBSWUK- live event blogging with Nokia N95 - bcidecsidemedia and WAN
Wow! 3 are giving me this phone. I wanted it for the 5Mp camera but what a toy! Basically it is the nuts and it's going to kick off my new LEBing escapade nicely. I'm sure the accelerometer will be handy too...
Live event blogging is nothing new, it is very effective for dissemination of otherwise exclusive content and is very useful as an activism tool. Also great for any festival event of gallery opening, gig etc. Combined with a youtube and facebook campaign it is THE way to get noticed on line and draw people from the web into your event and world.
Allegedly the phone should turn up tomorrow, I hope to LEB from South West Arts Contemporary Arts Exhibition
at Weymouth Museum Brewers Quay
24th May - 29th June 2008 10am - 5pm.
So, if it does arrive you should see stuff straight from the gallery appearing at tomorrow afternoon...
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Random facts
Fact 1 - there is a renowned ballistics expert called Bashforth and and a Bashforth Ballistics lab, very apt, not quite onomatopoeic?
Hawkworths freelancers-soldiers of fortune who fought with lances for the highest bidder...
I need to get out more, really x
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Pretty hoopy cyber art
A hardcore exploration of the boundaries between nature and design,body and machine
cyber,cyborg,robot,bio,body,machine,stelarc, digital, electronic, performance, body, artist australian, post, human, video, parasite, virtual, telepresence, prosthetic, prosthesis, cybernetic, feedback, vrml, shockwave, interactive, internet, human-machine, third, hand, stomach, sculpture, suspension, virtual, ping, stimbod, interface, muscle, stimulation, avatar, movatar, exoskeleton, hexapod, alternate, interfaces
Sunday, 1 June 2008’s Creepy, But Effective, Facebook Ads
Visual-shopping search engine
Back Home!
I can't thank Sarah and the Greenhill crew enough for having me. Especially Swa for looking after me, it was a brilliant part of my recovery. Thank you all again.
So my first night in my own bed in more than five months, mental. Those stairs are a chore though, have to go up and down on my arse, they're a bit scarey. My legs still throbbing and knee very sore from the fall. Seeing the consulant tomorrow so will find out how I'm healing and if I've damaged the rebuild, ooeer, fingers crossed...
So yeah, good to be back, lots to do, hope tomorrow is good news watch this space...